.........A whole day to make two blocks!! yikes!....although in my defence, I did spend a lot of that time looking for just the right blocks to make. But I don't know if I'm particularly slow, or that's about normal....I suppose the main thing is they get done and done well, and I had nothing else I needed to do, so in the sewing room was a good place to be. The blocks are for Miss October
Lynn in the
F2F block swap that I've mentioned
here and
here, and I was playing with a pretty colour palette similar to this, but with a darker grey for the background. Lynn wanted just pops of coral, so I wanted to find blocks where just a small amount could be added.
I finally managed to find two more and they're done and will be in the mail today, Lynn. A relief for once not to be posting on the last day of the month. I can't show you the blocks yet, but if you go to the F2F gallery, you'll be able to see all the wonderfully creative blocks sent so far.
Sue, who was Miss September, has let me know she's received hers, so I can show you what I sent her. Sue requested black and white with a hot colour. Her choices reminded me of
Jan Mullen's Stargazey quilts of the 90s.......crooked wonky blocks in crazy bold mixed up colours, and so I made these blocks in a similar way. When I told Sue where I got my inspiration from, she said she loved Jan's quilting style and even had one of her books! All of Sue's blocks can be seen
here, scroll right to the end of the Gallery.
l to r ....wonky churn dash; quartered log cabin and a scrappy star
And that 'no chocolate in the post title? Not the eating sort, but the scrappy
RSC sort. I haven't made any blocks this week, but I did find a purple wonky star when I was doing some sorting and packing. I felt sure I'd made one, but as it wasn't where it should've been and I had another ready to sew in different shades, I thought my memory was playing tricks, but no, there it was tossed in with other fabrics. So I only have indigo and green to make now to catch up with my stars, I'll try to do them this week so I'm ready for the colour change this weekend.
My daily view has looked like this for the past week or so, dark clouds hanging low on the mountain, and lots of storms rumbling around. This is the view across the river with the "legal graffiti" on the levee wall, painted by unemployed youth doing Work for the Dole.(unemployment benefit)...... a great idea to let them do what they love, while brightening up the riverbank.....not everyone's cup of tea though, there's lots of grumbles about the horrible eyesore, but I quite like it.
That's all , my house was listed to sell over the weekend, so time to tidy up and have it looking respectable in case a call comes to say someone is interested in looking......I hope so!
so till next time..............