Friday, December 9, 2011

Head down, bum up

I've been busy!!

There's been knitting .....

and sewing

These cheery babies are ready for their journey to Pip, of Meet Me At Mike's.  (Sorry, can't seem to get the link thingy to work, giving up after X amount of tries and much **#@*##!)

I'm going to miss them

Softies For Mirabel

.....................there's been snuggling and napping in warm places, because it feels like winter, not summer!

.............parcels have come in the post

 a generous gift of sharing from my Christmas decoration swap partner, Rhonda.  Some yummy pieces of fabric to play with.  Thankyou Rhonda, it was very generous of you.

and I treated myself to some of Arlee's eco dyed silk

Detail on Wish Upon a Star

Close-up of Rosier Park

The photos don't do justice to the beautiful subtle colours and ghostly markings.  And they smell delicious too, like a forest floor. 

What else? 

I supported the Tweed Shire Women's Service's 16 days of Activism events, and joined the Sistas Against Violence Lantern Parade last Friday night, an event organised by local Indigenous women, and the White Shirt walk on Wednesday.  No pics from these events, as it was quite cold and wet, we just wanted to be seen and heard and get out of the rain. I've attended similar events for years, and it's disturbed me that  often they can be quite militant, which I think, is counter to the message of non-violence we're trying to get across. But both these events were peaceful, with a lovely quietness at the start, and building to an intensity and passion that felt hopeful and determined, but without the aggression I've witnessed in other years.
The 16 Days of Activism is an International campaign calling for an end to violence against women and children.  There's history and information here,  there were some gruesome and horrific crimes perpetrated against women which, sadly, were the platform for these events which are now held to raise awareness that there will be zero tolerance for violence against women.

......and on a lighter note, the Christmas tree has been put up

and there's more knitting and sewing to be done for Christmas gifts and Secret Santa presents

 The sun has just come out here after a week of rain, and I hope, wherever you are, there'll be some brightness and warmth  in your day too.


  1. wow you have been busy and I love all the photos.

  2. Yes you have been busy! Love the little dolls.
    Looking forward to when our retired cats snuggle up together like yours.

    Love Leanne

  3. Hi Dallas, thanks for visiting :)

    and Leanne,hi! my snuggly cats are mother and daughter I think, they came to me at 4 and 6 yrs, they'd not been well treated, but do love each other.

  4. wow Nanette,

    you have been soooo do you fit it in? Those dolls are adorable.....they are gorgeous PIp will be happy. ♥Jo

  5. Hello Ive just popped over from cottage tails.
    your blog looks lovely, Im now a follower so I'll be back soon.

  6. Hi Jo, thanks, glad you like my dolls. It's funny, I get down on myself sometimes as I feel I've not done enough...I'm finding my blog's a good reality check, especially when there was lot's more done that didn't get a mention.

  7. Hello Angela, nice of you to visit, I'll come say hello.

  8. Hello Nanette, yes it is the cappie fairy. she is lovely isnt she. Are you a capricorn too

  9. Im jan 3rd. most people forget my birthday as the new years hangover is still hitting them pretty strong. lol

  10. so much busy/ness, all very interesting and informative thankyou, but i've got to admit the chooks' bums were my favs.

  11. yep, hard to resist a chookie's fluffy bum..


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