Source: Art Gallery Website
While we did enjoy fun and laughter and a delicious lunch out on the balcony, the real purpose of the visit was to see an exhibition by Adrienne Kenafake, a Gold Coast artist who says of her work......"my works focus on the immediate environment by investigating the flotsam and jetsam of daily life. All the artworks are made from found and recycled materials, my sculptures have become a visual record of the unwanted items we carelessly discard on a daily basis"
'Rare as Hen's Teeth' . Source antheapolsonart.com.au
Silly me, I left my camera in the car, so these photos are from various art galleries, with credit to these sources. Not all of these were in the exhibition, but were on a similar theme, so you get the idea
Adrienne's work is stunning and confronting. As well as using fabric she colours with windfallen leaves and barks from local plants in the style of India Flint, Adrienne uses tiny bones from road killed animals, mostly wallabies, rat vertebrae, fish scales, human hair and the fabric segments are roadside discards or from council clean-ups.
Her titles and imagery are telling too.......this is called 'Introduced Species". Sorry, the pics are a bit blurry, but you get the idea. She also made the little wagon from recycled materials as well.
Her titles and imagery are telling too.......this is called 'Introduced Species". Sorry, the pics are a bit blurry, but you get the idea. She also made the little wagon from recycled materials as well.
'Introduced Species'. Source antheapolsonart.com.au
This next one was on show at the gallery, and was my favourite. It's so iconically Australian, the sad sight of stiffened road kill all along our country roads. You can't see it on this picture, but this one has an injured tummy, with big blowflies sitting on it, made with fabric, and fish scale wings....so very lifelike. It's claws, if you look closely, are wallaby bones, and it's made from plant dyed silk.
Flyblown'. Source artguide.com.au
'Wanderlust'. Source antheapolsonart.com.au
'Stay Together'.....that's human hair on their heads! Source barebonesartspace.com.au
This was a great exhibition, asome amazing, very detailed, thoughtful work from a very talented artist with some clear messages. In her own words .....broken, busted, forgotten, lost, flyblown, shiny new, here in the gutter lie the treasure of the suburbs........golden traces of existence waiting to tell their stories. If you find yourself in northern NSW, or hear that this exhibition is coming to a gallery near you, give yourself a treat and go along and see it.
We also checked out the new Margaret Olley Centre, a space dedicated to her paintings, sketches, education and workshop spaces and an amazing recreation of her studio and over 20,000 items collected in her lifetime. More on that though in another post.
.............til next time