Friday, May 31, 2019
Chill in the air
With the first day of winter on the calendar tomorrow, and snow just over the ranges, it's cold is to be expected. I don't mind. One of the things I've done today is follow the sun along the verandah, starting with it on my back and then shifting seats as it travelled north and I finished off some soft toys. These little guys have been sitting around for a while, waiting for their eyes, noses, smiles, and in a couple of cases, their ears.! What??
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Midweek Mutterings
A really sore eye, swollen and red, took me off to The Tweed to see the optometrist. The Tweed, a suburb about half an hour away, is the nearest large shopping hub, with malls of shops full of everything you need....or don't. While I like to shop locally and we do have an optometrist in town, I've been going to the one in Tweed for around 10 years, they know me by name and have all my records I keep going.
The offending eye.....or eyes as it turned out......had eyelashes growing in, down instead of up! I was just relieved that was all it was, despite my yelps of pain as he tweezered them out. Feels much better now.
Tweed has the nearest fabric shop for 30 kms in any direction, so of course I had to pay a visit. A fresh injection of teals was needed, as Kate has announced there'll be another Ovarian Cancer fundraiser quilt, to be called Scinteallate, a clever play on words, for which Kate is renowned, and which will feature teal stars on a cream background.
A stop at the library on my way home was necessary to pick up two books I'd ordered.
I've been waiting ages for Grown and Gathered, by Matt and Lentil as there's been a long waiting list for it, and I can see why, for starters, it's beautiful. It feels nice to hold, the photos are bold and bright, plus it's crammed full of great information and delicious recipes. I wondered if it might be a 'style over substance' book, but no, it's a great resource, with lots of detail communicated simply. It's set in Victoria, north of Melbourne, so it's good to have almost-local information, rather than northern hemisphere guides to growing and gathering.
The other book, Mending Matters by Katrina Rodabaugh, is newly published, and celebrates the sustainable fashion community, while exploring repairing, patching and mending. I'm not new to any of these practises, but it's always fun to see what others are doing, and I support the philosophy of knowing where our clothes come from, and finding alternatives to fast fashion. Her book is full of stunning images of patched clothing, I love her palette, and the fact that some of her patches are plant dyed.
I saw this gorgeous cowl made from repurposed linen op shop ( thrift store) trousers, and it inspired me to dig out a piece of fabric I stamped and dyed on my last trip to India. It doesn't get terribly cold here, but I often feel a chill around my neck when I walk Mirrhi in the early morning, but I hate having a woolly scarf around my neck, and find they unwind and get in the way of vigorous ball throwing.
So it seemed ideal to turn this lovely fine, soft length of cotton into a cowl.
I cut the fabric into two pieces, cross wise, one smaller then the other, then stitched the pieces together into a tube with a french seam, and hemmed the long edges. An hour later, Mirrhi was not very happily modelling my soft cotton cowl for chilly days. I popped it on when I took her out a bit later, and it worked just fine....nice and light, not bulky but adding just the right amount of warmth.
I've been stitching along the seams for a bit of 'fanciness'.
I'm off to bed now to have a good read............
The offending eye.....or eyes as it turned out......had eyelashes growing in, down instead of up! I was just relieved that was all it was, despite my yelps of pain as he tweezered them out. Feels much better now.
Tweed has the nearest fabric shop for 30 kms in any direction, so of course I had to pay a visit. A fresh injection of teals was needed, as Kate has announced there'll be another Ovarian Cancer fundraiser quilt, to be called Scinteallate, a clever play on words, for which Kate is renowned, and which will feature teal stars on a cream background.
A little stash building |
Yum! |
Little pink patch dyed with avocado seed |
I saw this gorgeous cowl made from repurposed linen op shop ( thrift store) trousers, and it inspired me to dig out a piece of fabric I stamped and dyed on my last trip to India. It doesn't get terribly cold here, but I often feel a chill around my neck when I walk Mirrhi in the early morning, but I hate having a woolly scarf around my neck, and find they unwind and get in the way of vigorous ball throwing.
So it seemed ideal to turn this lovely fine, soft length of cotton into a cowl.
I'd had the circular stamp made up in Jaipur |
Oh dear, can it come off now? |
Not the true colour, taken with a flash |
I've been stitching along the seams for a bit of 'fanciness'.
Closer to the true colour |
projects from Mending Matters |
I'm off to bed now to have a good read............
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
ScrapHappy May
It's the 15th of the month, and that time again to produce any work made from scraps. I just have two small scrappy projects this month. Firstly, although I haven't done very much sewing in the last month, I did manage to make a few red hexies for the redwork quilt I posted about back in February. I haven't done a lot more on it, but had a bit of a reprieve on the deadline. You may remember I'd been working on it for a friend's 75th birthday gift, and was wanting it finished by the end of March, but Christine's sister decided they should go overseas to celebrate their milestone birthdays.... it was her 70th this year. Since it was all a bit rushed, and she was leaving the day after her birthday, she suggested we celebrate when she got back, so I still have a couple of weeks to work on getting the top pieced, if not the whole quilt finished.
I've also managed to prep the pieces ready to make flying geese blocks to fill in around the redwork embroideries I've done. Now that I'm feeling better, and more focused, I'll put the blocks back up on the design wall and work out where these will go, and what else I need to do.
My second project is a bit different, and is one where I've used paper scraps. I've had these metal card file boxes since 1987, carrying around the country with me, each time I moved, knowing ....hoping!.....someday I'd find a use for them.
They have a bit of history behind them. Back in the 80s I worked for DoCs (the welfare) in Western Australia, and these boxes were used to keep the card files of anyone who came into the office requesting a food voucher. Not a very good system, as there was no-cross-referencing with other offices, and people could go from office to office and claim a food voucher many times in a week. It was a very exciting time when all those handwritten records could be entered onto a database, and with the tap of a button, we could see when and how often a person was applying for assistance and respond accordingly.
Of course, the metal boxes were obsolete then and were to be thrown out, so I rescued these two, thinking I'd "do something with them". Well it only took me 30 odd years, and so, with the help of some discarded seed catalogues, this one's being turned into a seed storage box.
I gessoed the base of the box, then tore words and pictures and layered them all over, brushing on more gesso as I went. They're not finished yet, one side to go, but I'll add a layer of matte medium over all for protection, and fill up with seeds. It's been good to have a fairly mindless project to keep me busy, and great to have all my seeds in one place, and easily found.
Kate (me!), Gun, Titti, Heléne, Eva, Sue, Nanette, Lynn, Lynda,
Birthe, Turid, Susan, Cathy, Debbierose, Tracy, Jill, Claire, Jan, Karen,
Moira, Sandra, Linda, Chris, Nancy , Alys, Kerry, Claire, Jean, Johanna,
Joanne, Jon, Hayley, Dawn, Gwen, Connie, Bekki, Pauline and Sue L.
Birthe, Turid, Susan, Cathy, D
Moira, Sandra, Linda, Chris, N
Joanne, Jon, Hayley, Dawn, Gwen, Connie, Bekki, Pauline and Sue L.
till next time............
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Upright and out and about
At last. Although it's been a bunny-hop kind of healing process. Each time it seemed I was done with it, either another phase came knocking, or I went backwards to a previous one, with spiking temps and nasty headaches. It all seems to be evening out though, with tiredness being my main problem now.
My first foray out into the world was last week, when I went for a blood test to check the virus is no longer in my system.....and the results on Friday were positive.....or negative actually....all gone, which means it can't be passed on if a mosquito bites me, then moves on to someone else....Such a relief.
It's been good, too, to have the energy to enjoy wandering around the garden, checking out all the lovely autumn blooms, and ticking all sorts of little jobs off the list I've been compiling in my head for the last few weeks as I've staggered past, back to my bed, muttering to myself.."must weed that garden bed, sweep those pathways, tidy the potting table" etc.
I overdid it the first day, and so have been pacing myself more, and just doing an hour and stopping, even if I feel like continuing. So far, I've cleared the weeds from the veggie patch, and now have broad beans, green beans, broccoli, cabbage and greens planted. I'll have to re-do the broad beans, as "someone" decided it was a lovely cool spot to have a lie down in.
A lot of my allotted garden hours have been spent trying to get rid of a nasty feral weed, the madeira vine. It's sprung up everywhere since the flood, seems to grow overnight, and resists most efforts to be rid of it, since it sends long and strong tubers underground, and the fine tendrils it sends out end up twining and joining together to form a very tough stalk.
It grows up into tree canopies and smothers any plants in it's path and if you try pulling the vines out of the canopy, little potato-like bulbs fall to the ground and re-grow. Cut vines can remain alive if they're left on the ground or in the canopy and regrow as well. The best but most time consuming way to get rid of it is to cut it back carefully so as not to dislodge the tubers, to find the sems that lead back to underground tubers and scrape and paint, with regular follow up. I'd been doing this but in the time I've been unable to do any gardening, it's taken over again. It definitely takes the pleasure out of gardening, talk about Day of the Triffids!
But there have been more pleasurable tasks, like cleaning up the courtyard and getting it ready for winter enjoyment.
This morning I pulled weeds from the paving, tidied, pruned back overgrown shrubs and set out the chairs and tables. That dreaded madeira vine had started to grow here as well, but they were just small plants and easy to eradicate. This is such an excellent little winter spot, and is a great sun-trap, surrounded by tallish plantings as it is, and protected from the cold south-westerlies that can make the riverbank unpleasant this time of year. it's the perfect spot to enjoy a pot of tea, some reading or hand sewing, and even today, with not much sun around, it's really pleasant to sit here, enjoying the back drop of the camellia in full bloom, the buzz of contented bees, and the odd honey-eater visiting to enjoy the nectar, and churring away above me.
My first foray out into the world was last week, when I went for a blood test to check the virus is no longer in my system.....and the results on Friday were positive.....or negative actually....all gone, which means it can't be passed on if a mosquito bites me, then moves on to someone else....Such a relief.
Now that I'm feeling better, I'm really enjoying getting out for early morning walks with my girl. She was pretty happy to head out with whoever came to take her, until she realised I wasn't coming, and would peer through the gate at me, whining softly. It usually took a few throws of her ball to get her off and running, but she'd still be looking back to see where I was.
It's been good, too, to have the energy to enjoy wandering around the garden, checking out all the lovely autumn blooms, and ticking all sorts of little jobs off the list I've been compiling in my head for the last few weeks as I've staggered past, back to my bed, muttering to myself.."must weed that garden bed, sweep those pathways, tidy the potting table" etc.
I overdid it the first day, and so have been pacing myself more, and just doing an hour and stopping, even if I feel like continuing. So far, I've cleared the weeds from the veggie patch, and now have broad beans, green beans, broccoli, cabbage and greens planted. I'll have to re-do the broad beans, as "someone" decided it was a lovely cool spot to have a lie down in.
Not looking very remorseful at all |
Mother's Day 'mums'. |
A lot of my allotted garden hours have been spent trying to get rid of a nasty feral weed, the madeira vine. It's sprung up everywhere since the flood, seems to grow overnight, and resists most efforts to be rid of it, since it sends long and strong tubers underground, and the fine tendrils it sends out end up twining and joining together to form a very tough stalk.
Twining together |
Thick network of stems, that all lead to zillions of tubers underground |
It grows up into tree canopies and smothers any plants in it's path and if you try pulling the vines out of the canopy, little potato-like bulbs fall to the ground and re-grow. Cut vines can remain alive if they're left on the ground or in the canopy and regrow as well. The best but most time consuming way to get rid of it is to cut it back carefully so as not to dislodge the tubers, to find the sems that lead back to underground tubers and scrape and paint, with regular follow up. I'd been doing this but in the time I've been unable to do any gardening, it's taken over again. It definitely takes the pleasure out of gardening, talk about Day of the Triffids!
But there have been more pleasurable tasks, like cleaning up the courtyard and getting it ready for winter enjoyment.
I managed to catch this one feasting on the bottle brush. |
Afternoon tea will be enjoyed out there later, as I have a few "orphan mothers" we call ourselves......coming ..........friends whose mothers are no longer with them, don't live locally, or whose children are far I'm off now to pop some strawberries on the sponge cake, and dig out the prettiest cups and saucers ready for an afternoon of good company, cake and laughter.
To all the mothers, I hope you're having a lovely day.
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