..........and an update on my Mirrhi
Thanks to everyone who commented on my last post with messages of support and concern. Mirrhi's certainly feeling better, and is pretty much back to normal, enjoying being outdoors and rolling happily around on the grass with her ball.....a different girl to the one who could hardly lift her head last week.

As for me, not so happy. I finally tracked down the attacking dog's owner, and unfortunately she was belligerent, argumentative and downright unpleasant, actually commenting, amongst other things, that the attack was probably Mirrhi's fault as she's part-border collie! Apparently this breed is 'stand-offish and unlikable' and because of this, her dog isn't keen on them, and has had a go at another border collie in the past. She also made demands about wanting to see photos of the injuries, to be sure they warranted vet treatment, and in a recent email, intimated she won't pay the bill if I don't take photos of her injuries, not taking into account that Mirrhi's ear is still swollen, bruised and sore. I'm left a little speechless ....unusual for me!
So onto more pleasant things and Here and Now. I've just started following Sarah at
Say Little Hen, and her blog is full of happy chattiness about things I love like gardening, knitting, chickens......and border collies! Her here and Now link-up encourages us to stop and look around, to think about, savour and recognise all our little moments, happy and not-so.
So here goes, my first Here and Now......
Homegrown papaya |
Chai tea in the mornings |
Weeds crowding out the fig tree |
No weeds ! A blank canvas ready to plant up. |
Loving // The cool nights and mornings of early autumn. The days can still be quite hot, but without the energy sapping humidity that our sub-tropical summers are known for.
Eating // Papayas straight off the tree. One ready to eat, one still to ripen, and some left on the tree for the fruit bats. Delicious with a squeeze of lime from a neighbour's tree.
Drinking // Water, water kefir and this delicious local chai, a gift from a friend to say 'thank-you'.
Feeling // Tired from all the stress and worry over Mirrhi, upset at the other dog's owner's attitude, but relieved my girl is ok.
Making // Progress with getting the weeds under control after a hot,wet summer. Just doing a little every day makes it seem doable.....and my back thanks me.
Dreaming // About what I'll plant in my newly-weeded garden beds.