Don't worry, it's not as drastic or blood thirsty as the title suggests. This handsome black chicken is Brenna...she's loud, greedy, a bit bossy but quite a character. I also suspect she might be an egg eater! She does all the right things...sits in the nesting box, makes appropriate noises then struts about looking very pleased with herself. But when I check the box, there's just a soggy mess and bits of shell. What little is left of the shell is quite hard, so she's not laying soft eggs that fall apart, and anyway, there's no evidence of yolk anywhere. I did some searching online, and the only suggestion that I thought might work was curtains on the nesting boxes. The idea is that the interior is dark so the naughty hen can't see her egg and the curtains are meant to be on the inside and hanging down a bit, hence restricting the hen's movement....if she gets up and tries to turn around and fossick for the egg, hopefully she'll bump into the fabric and be put off going further. My nesting boxes are covered cat litter boxes, and where the lid joins the base is too low to hang the fabric on the inside, and being plastic, no easy way to attach the fabric.....so this will have to do. I don't know if it works yet, as Brenna decided today she was not going to produce ! So I'll have to wait and see if this works, and maybe try to work out a way to have the curtain hang down inside as well.

Early morning in the hen house.. with Lola photo bombing from the left
Apart from annoying the chooks in the early morning, I've done some more dyeing in a jar. This time some red cabbage plus a few red onion skins. I folded the cloth around a lid as a resist, and I'm hoping I'll end up with a circle on the cloth. It's only been brewing since the weekend, so I'll give it a few more days. I hope the rich colour lives up to it's promise and leaves a good colour on my fabric.
I've not checked the blue -with -turmeric- to -get- green cloth yet, maybe a job for tomorrow.
I go to a sewing group once a week, where we all just work on our own hand stitching projects, knitting or crochet. On Monday night I quickly put this little cloth together so I'd have something to do. I cut a number of patches roughly the same size and basted them onto a background cloth. As most were from thrifted clothing, I decided to make a feature of the hems and seams. I bundled these predominantly whites and creams into a jar of weeds and rainwater and left them overnight, then rinsed and ironed them, all ready for stitching on. A couple of the pieces were already dyed so took the colour more strongly. If you're looking closely for that stitching it's not there....I chatted all morning and did no work at all! Never mind, I now have a little cloth all ready to start on next week.
And I finished the prayer flag I posted about last week, and a friend snapped it up right away as a housewarming gift....
It has rained heavily on and off all week and more is predicted.....lovely for the garden, as I've just planted out silver beet, bok choy and cabbage seedlings....I hope they don't drown ....and my water tanks are full and overflowing. There's been good steady rain out to the west as well, where farmers were suffering badly from drought, so it's good all round. I have a day home tomorrow, so at the top of my to-do list will be the pink quilt which I haven't had a chance to work on this week.
take care, see you next time......