lucky...and lovely....last
The last of my blocks from the F2F Block Swap have arrived, all the way from Esther, from the Netherlands.
Esther kindly sent 5 blocks........ 3 with blue backgrounds
and these 2 with pink backgrounds.
So that's 27 blocks I have now, plus whatever I make for myself, so lots to be playing with and decisions to be made about a layout.
I sent off Miss October' s blocks earlier in the week to Moira..... a chocolate, coffee, cream and blue palette.....which I can't show until she receives them. So now it's time to turn my thoughts to Miss November's colour choices and blocks. Robin has chosen this lovely bright palette, and it's going to be interesting working with these colours. One of the good things about this swap is the challenge of working with colours I wouldn't choose for myself.

So, time to get on. The sun's lifting from behind the trees, and the fog ....which has been rolling in along the river most days...... has started to burn away, so time to release the hound and have a walk before the day starts to get hot. Actually, the hound is still in bed, sleeping, so time to stir her.